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Small Mountain Music Festival

Hypothetical architectural design supervision, lighting(仮説建築設計監理、照明) / Fat Festival / Muantong tani, Bangkok, Thailand



Something Boudoir, Elle Fashion Week A/W 2012

Direction, Lighting(演出、照明)  / scala theater / Bangkok, Thailand



 The Oddysee x Dudesweet A/W 2012

Direction, Lighting(演出、照明)  / Kingpower / Bangkok, Thailand

The concept came from the client - backstage area and 90s Seattle grunge. I tried to take advantage of all flight case of the lighting and sound equipments and turn them into centerpieces of the space, they also became one of the seating areas in the middle. There's scaffolding tower and make up station in the backstage and two camping caravans parked in the middle of the space. The catwalk was set inbetween of them as infinity symbol shape. Note staged roles for models to play coupled with the fashion show itself. There was less boundary between the show time, party time, and audience was everywhere with models cutting through the middle of the crowd. Making them feel like they're backstage.





Direction, Lighting(演出、照明)  / Kingpower / Bangkok, Thailand



SRETSIS 10y Anniversary Collection A/W 2012

Direction, Lighting(演出、照明)  / Kingpower / Bangkok, Thailand



SUPERSWEET Live! Presents Summer Camp by Sretsis

Stage Art, Lighting(舞台美術, 照明) /  Centerpoint Entreatment / Bangkok, Thailand

SUPERSWEET Live! has a motto that is the Live Exhibition. This time they collaborate with Sretsis which is one of the top fashion brands in Thailand. The theme literally is the same as the band, Summer Camp and the movie Moonrise Kingdom. We tried to translate indirectly of the atmosphere into our platform design. The method of the design is using imperfect under construction wooden structure, prefabricated at Klongtoey where the underground wood factories in Bangkok are. The event itself has a big diversity of the same as the band name: Chladni Chandi - the indian Psychedelic; Ikuko Wisut Japanese and Thai cartoon pop and headliners Summer Camp who are the English indie pop. The space design itself I designed environmental, as well as the exterior design which is sort of forever vacation camp in Bangkok and stage set itself is continuously the same tone as the outside to build the landscaping stage where the inner court and outer circulation where the audience can dance and jump. The boundary of the stage and audience is sandwiched/become one.

SUPERSWEET Live!は、Live Exhibitionをモットーとしています。今回は、タイのトップファッションブランドであるSretsisとのコラボレーションです。テーマは文字通り、バンド「サマーキャンプ」と映画「ムーンライズ・キングダム」と同じです。その雰囲気を間接的にプラットフォームデザインに反映させることを試みた。バンコクの地下にある木材工場のあるクロントーイでプレハブを作り、不完全な建築中の木造建築を利用したデザイン手法です。イベント自体は、インドのサイケデリックバンドChladni Chandi、日本とタイのカートゥーンポップIkuko Wisut、そしてヘッドライナーのイギリスのインディーポップSummer Campと、バンド名と同じように多様な顔ぶれです。空間デザインは、環境デザイン、バンコクの永遠のバカンスキャンプをイメージした外観デザイン、ステージセットも外部と同じトーンで連続させ、観客が踊ったりジャンプしたりできる中庭と外周を持つ造園ステージを構築しました。舞台と客席の境界は、挟まれ、一体となる。

< 2011 2013 >

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